Past Equity Symposia Publications
- Stimulating Equity? The Impact of the Federal Stimulus Act on Educational Opportunity (Feb 2010)
- Comprehensive Educational Equity: Overcoming the Socioeconomic Barriers to School Success (2008)
- Equal Educational Opportunity: What Now? Reassessing the Role of the Courts, the Law and School Policies (2007)
- Examining America's Commitment to Closing Achievement Gaps NCLB and Its Alternatives (2006)
- Papers presented at the 2006 Symposium
- The Social Costs of Inadequate Education (2005)
- Papers presented at the 2005 Symposium
Equity Campaign Publications
Michael A. Rebell (2017), Courts and Kids: Pursuing Educational Equity Through the State Courts 2017 Supplement.
Michael A. Rebell (2009), Courts and Kids: Pursuing Educational Equity Through the State Courts. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Michael A. Rebell & Jessica R. Wolff (2009), NCLB at the Crossroads, Reexamining the Federal Effort to Close the Achievement Gap. New York: Teachers College Press.
Michael A. Rebell & Jessica R. Wolff (2008), Moving Every Child Ahead: From NCLB Hype to Meaningful Educational Opportunity, New York: Teachers College Press
Michael A. Rebell & Jessica R. Wolff (2008), Summary of Recommendations from Moving Every Child Ahead: From NCLB Hype to Equal Educational Opportunity, submitted to the U.S. House Committee on Education and Labor and the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (9/5/2007)
Sharon Lynn Kagan (2006), American Early Childhood Education: Preventing or Perpetuating Inequity
Michael Rebell & Hunter, Molly (2006), The Right to Pre-School in Education Adequacy Litigations
Michael Rebell, Professional Rigor, Public Engagement and Judicial Review: A Proposal for Enhancing the Validity of Education Adequacy Studies (Teachers College Record, Volume 109, Number 6, 2007).
School Funding Litigation as a Framework for Education Reform: Applying the Lessons of the Education Adequacy Movement to the Reauthorization of the No Child Left Behind Act -- Summary (March 2006)
Teachers College Publications
Teachers College, Columbia University, Annual Report, 2004, A Campaign for Equity (June 2005)